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Amy & Danny

Amy & Danny

hi alexandra,

Just wanted to say a huge thank you…..the whole evening was fantastic. The last of the guests have finally gone but we are still in ibiza until wednesday so we are aiming to pop in see you and say thank you. Danny and I found you utterly professional, highly organised, very easy to communicate with/helpful and you always responded to our enquiries promptly. You were also very accommodating to our needs, wishes for how the day was to be. The end result was that the venue looked amazing, the food, service, and of course the party/music was fantastic. As danny has been a chef working at events for over 15 years (he has head cheffed at Wimbledon championships, and Lords cricket and ran events for the queen), he knows the industry very well, and thought the service you provided was superb.

speak soon,
Best wishes,
amy and danny

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