Why beach venues can enhance your business incentive event

We love the beach. And, we know we’re not alone. It’s the one universal spot we all sneak off to enjoy some downtime and vacate as soon as the summer sun starts to come into its full glory.

But, why do we love the beach so much? Couldn’t we get the same recuperation from the mountains, the countryside or even our own back garden? Well, science has proven that simply being at the beach holds a particular solitude, enjoyment and rest due to certain positive activities that take place in our brains.

It’s for these reasons we believe pitching up your business event, team building day and incentives at the beach (with its many fun options) will ultimately enhance the outcome of your day. And here’s why…

The Power of the Sea.

The ocean has numerous natural aspects that literally transcend the human mind into a calmer and more relaxed state. The colour blue alone is associated with feelings of peace and tranquility - whilst watching, smelling and hearing the sounds of the sea encourages our parasympathetic nervous system to slow us down, activating a mild meditative state and ultimately allows space for our creative side to operate.

Have you ever found yourself thinking more clearly and forthcoming with problem solving or fresh new ideas in the presence of the sea? It makes sense, right?

The Sun & Vitamin D.

Everyone gets excited when the sun is out and for good reason too! A day in the sun is known to increase serotonin levels, boost us into a good mood, enhance our vitamin D intake (which is essential for our health) and give us a wonderful summer glow.

If you’re team are used to sitting in a sun deprived office all day, then we are sure your colleagues and employees will literally perform 100% outside in the sunshine on the beach as part of their working time.

Less Distractions.

The fact is for the majority of us, a day out at the beach is actually a really fun opportunity. And, when something is more interesting than the everyday mundane, we tend to be less bored and more engaged in what we are actually doing. That means less distraction and by distractions we mean phone, emails and social media are left alone for a brief period with uninterrupted and fully engaged audiences.

Get Physical.

Physical activity regardless of abilities is good for everyone, in this case we are referring to the short term. That surge of energy from fitness increases serotonin and gives everyone that feel good factor.

The beach is the perfect place to create some great physical activities. Organise a game of beach volleyball, frisbee, tug-of-war, dodge-ball or soccer. Hire some paddle boards, build sandcastles or create your own competitions and games - even if as simple as an ‘egg and spoon’ race.

Such activities are perfect for unifying a team building atmosphere which is fun and enjoyable for everyone. Employees who are all out to have a good time will work together to optimize their community spirit - which will hopefully translate back in the office upon return from your business incentive.


The social element of a beach destination environment is unparalleled. When people enjoy their surroundings, they feel more relaxed to enjoy one another. With a cocktail at hand on the beach, people connect.

If your team feel like they are able to socialise and have fun on the beach, it will feel like a mini vacation in itself. And, a mini vacation is a special gift. A gift that values and appreciates - where everyone will be grateful for the opportunity and will want to give 100% both on the day and in the near future thereafter.

Is Pura Vida Ibiza your ‘Exclusive Destination Corporate Event Venue’ for 2020?

Located directly on the beautiful beach of Playa Niu Blau, Santa Eulalia - our stylish Mediterranean Beach Restaurant is guaranteed to be the ideal spot to organise your business incentive, conference, high class private function, team building or coaching meeting.

Creating the right atmosphere to encourage open communication, optimise learning and still having an enjoyable day out is paramount to all of our potential clients looking to book our facilities. We offer both an internal and external environment with a capacity of 250 guests all which can be perfectly adapted to suit a multitude of requests - ensuring effective teamwork and a positive experience for all.

Whether you are looking for a formal set up or you’re opting for something a little more casual - Pura Vida is the perfect location to cater for your bespoke event in style with entertainment, music, specialist performers and high quality cuisine whilst you overlook the glistening turquoise blue sea.

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  2. Judi Bola