Pura Vida Restaurant in Qué Plan?
Qué Plan is an island magazine that selects the best restaurants and venues every year and presents them in their App and magazine. It is Ibizas first interactive magazine as you can react on the App in the online edition. If you like it traditional, you don´t have to get the app of course, just read the magazines to get the best tips, hidden spots and gems of the gastronomy of the island.

«Discover the best establishments on the island, you’ll be surprised with the ‘augmented reality’ or our code QR system through which you’ll be able to watch videos of restaurants, shops and stores that are included in our guide.»

Pura Vida is a part of the Qué Plan for years already. Once a year a lovely photographer comes to our restaurant and photographs our setting at Pura Vida. On that one photo we try to show, that Pura Vida is an amazing place for having a chilled day or relxing hours with any effort. Here you can spend all day at our comfy sunbeds, eating the best seafood. As we are also a popular venue for the most beautiful weddings of the island, we wanted to have a bride and her groom on the photo as well. As we are a family restaurant and every associate is part of our family, we wanted to have one of our waiters as well as the heart of our kitchen on the picture. In addition we have lobsters in the setting, as seafood is our passion. Last but not least, the most important part of the setting is the blue sky, ocean and the beach. We are proud to be one of the very few etablissements that are located directly on the sea.

queplan_puravida (see here the whole article about Pura Vida in Qué Plan?)[:de]

Qué Plan ist ein Inselmagazin, das jedes Jahr die besten Restaurants und Veranstaltungsorte auswählt und in ihrer App und ihrem Magazin präsentiert. Es ist Ibizas erstes interaktives Magazin, da Sie in der Online-Ausgabe auf die App reagieren können. Wenn Du es traditionell magst, musst Du die App natürlich nicht kaufen, lese einfach die Zeitschriften, um die besten Tipps, versteckte Stellen und die Schmuckstücke ​​der Gastronomie der Insel zu erkunden.

«Entdecken Sie die besten Locations der Insel. Sie werden überrascht sein von der Vielfalt oder unserem Code-QR-System, mit dem Sie Videos von Restaurants, Veranstaltungsorten und Geschäften sehen können, die in unserem Reiseführer enthalten sind.»

Pura Vida ist schon seit Jahren Teil des Qué Plans. Einmal im Jahr kommt ein reizender Fotograf in unser Restaurant und fotografiert unsere Kulisse in Pura Vida. Auf diesem einen (bzw. zwei) Foto(s) versuchen wir zu zeigen, dass Pura Vida ein wunderbarer Ort ist, um einen rundum schönen Tag oder entspannte Stunden ohne jene Anstrengung zu verbringen. Hier könnt ihr den ganzen Tag auf unseren bequemen Sonnenliegen verbringen und die besten Meeresfrüchte essen. Da wir auch ein beliebter Ort für die schönsten Hochzeiten der Insel sind, wollten wir auch eine Braut und ihren Bräutigam auf dem Foto haben. Da wir ein Familienrestaurant sind und jeder Mitarbeiter Teil unserer Familie ist, wollten wir einen unserer Kellner und die Herzstücke unserer Küche auf dem Foto haben. Außerdem haben wir Hummer im Bild, da Meeresfrüchte unsere Leidenschaft sind. Der wichtigste Teil der Umgebung ist der blaue Himmel, das Meer und der Strand. Wir sind stolz darauf, eines der wenigen Etablissements zu sein, die direkt am Meer liegen.

queplan_puravida (lese hier den ganzen Beitrag) Qué Plan is an island magazine that selects the best restaurants and venues every year and presents them in their App and magazine. It is Ibizas first interactive magazine as you can react on the App in the online edition. If you like it traditional, you don´t have to get the app of course, just read the magazines to get the best tips, hidden spots and gems of the gastronomy of the island.

«Discover the best establishments on the island, you’ll be surprised with the ‘augmented reality’ or our code QR system through which you’ll be able to watch videos of restaurants, shops and stores that are included in our guide.»

Pura Vida is a part of the Qué Plan for years already. Once a year a lovely photographer comes to our restaurant and photographs our setting at Pura Vida. On that one photo we try to show, that Pura Vida is an amazing place for having a chilled day or relxing hours with any effort. Here you can spend all day at our comfy sunbeds, eating the best seafood. As we are also a popular venue for the most beautiful weddings of the island, we wanted to have a bride and her groom on the photo as well. As we are a family restaurant and every associate is part of our family, we wanted to have one of our waiters as well as the heart of our kitchen on the picture. In addition we have lobsters in the setting, as seafood is our passion. Last but not least, the most important part of the setting is the blue sky, ocean and the beach. We are proud to be one of the very few etablissements that are located directly on the sea.

queplan_puravida (see here the whole article about Pura Vida in Qué Plan?)[:nl]Qué Plan is an island magazine that selects the best restaurants and venues every year and presents them in their App and magazine. It is Ibizas first interactive magazine as you can react on the App in the online edition. If you like it traditional, you don´t have to get the app of course, just read the magazines to get the best tips, hidden spots and gems of the gastronomy of the island.

«Discover the best establishments on the island, you’ll be surprised with the ‘augmented reality’ or our code QR system through which you’ll be able to watch videos of restaurants, shops and stores that are included in our guide.»

Pura Vida is a part of the Qué Plan for years already. Once a year a lovely photographer comes to our restaurant and photographs our setting at Pura Vida. On that one photo we try to show, that Pura Vida is an amazing place for having a chilled day or relxing hours with any effort. Here you can spend all day at our comfy sunbeds, eating the best seafood. As we are also a popular venue for the most beautiful weddings of the island, we wanted to have a bride and her groom on the photo as well. As we are a family restaurant and every associate is part of our family, we wanted to have one of our waiters as well as the heart of our kitchen on the picture. In addition we have lobsters in the setting, as seafood is our passion. Last but not least, the most important part of the setting is the blue sky, ocean and the beach. We are proud to be one of the very few etablissements that are located directly on the sea.

queplan_puravida (see here the whole article about Pura Vida in Qué Plan?)[:]

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  2. Judi Bola